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John Russell Taylor books

John Russell Taylor
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Read Books by John Russell Taylor


Hitch: The Life And Times And Alfred Hitchcock (1996)

One of cinema's greatest directors, a virtuoso visual artist, and a genius of the suspense genre, Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980) is universally known for such masterpieces as Strangers on a Train, Rear Window, Vertigo, North by Northwest, Psycho, and The Birds. The author, a distinguished film crit...

Hitch: The Life And Times And Alfred Hitchcock (1996) by John Russell Taylor

Hitch (2013)

Somewhere out there in the indeterminate east, near the Wanstead marshes, it was just shaking itself out of its traditional condition as a sleepy Essex village and receiving the dubious benefits of strip development along the main road from London to the North Sea packet-boats which docked at Har...

Hitch (2013) by John Russell Taylor

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