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Johanna Lindsey books

Johanna Lindsey
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Books: 51 | Review: 1 | Avg rating: 3.85

Read Books by Johanna Lindsey


One Heart to Win (2013)

In the midst of my condo flood, I thought I could really use a smooshy, mooshy romance to take me away from more pressing matters at home. I took about six books with me to the hotel, but really couldn't concentrate on any of them. Anyway, now at home I'm making some progress. Finished this on...

One Heart to Win (2013) by Johanna Lindsey

Un corazón por conquistar (2013)

Tiffany Warren has been separated from her father (and brothers) since she was a very small child, living with her mother in New York. Now she is eighteen and time for her to travel to Montana and marry Hunter Callahan. The Warrens and the Callahans have been enemies for about fifty years and it ...

Un corazón por conquistar (2013) by Johanna Lindsey

Stormy Persuasion (2014)

Stormy Persuation is a Malory novel by Johanna Lindsey. It is mainly set in London and on the high seas to America. The characters, as usual, are clearly depicted and very realistic or as much as can be for a period novel. The plot is interesting and keeps you on your toes. Jacqueline Malory...

Stormy Persuasion (2014) by Johanna Lindsey

That Perfect Someone (2010)

Es uno de esos libros que nunca imaginas que te atraparan, comienzan algo aburridos y luego no los puedes dejar de leer, me paso con este libro, al principio no me gusto mucho porque es una historia bien clasica, del odio al amor solo hay un paso, que de la rabia pasa a una pasiaon ardiente que t...

That Perfect Someone (2010) by Johanna Lindsey

Debar Cinta Dari Masa Lalu (2010)

I've missed the Malory clan. In a time a when appearing to be perfect is the goal of The Ton, The Malory Family are very happy and comfortable being the antithesis of what is expected. It may even be argued, that James and Tony make it a point to push the enevople even futher. With time, all thin...

Debar Cinta Dari Masa Lalu (2010) by Johanna Lindsey

Enemigos perfectos (2010)

Audio Version: I must say, I went into this book expecting not to like it. I was annoyed that the leads were not Mallory's or married into the family. I was pleasantly surprised when I was about an hour into the story. I always love the narrator of this series but the story was engaging and kept ...

Enemigos perfectos (2010) by Johanna Lindsey

Let Love Find You (2012)

Duuuuuuhh...boring banget baca ini. Sepanjang buku isinya ngeluthek tentang Amanda yang sedang menyeleksi calon suami, dari pesta ini ke pesta itu, dansa sama si A dan si B, bla bla bla. Udah bosen sama HR model begini. Mana chemistry antara Amanda+Devin gak berasa sama sekali.Weeeell...kalo buka...

Let Love Find You (2012) by Johanna Lindsey

Deja Que el Amor Te Encuentre (2012)

Hace mucho leí el primer libro de esta serie y no me dejó un recuerdo profundo ni ganas de leer la continuación, así que cuando me hice con este libro, ni pensé que tuviese que ver con otros. De hecho, no entiendo porqué la serie se refiere a los Reid, cuando los siguientes 3 libros que la compon...

Deja Que el Amor Te Encuentre (2012) by Johanna Lindsey

Tender Rebel (2005)

Το πρώτο πράγμα που πρόσεξα όταν έπιασα στα χέρια μου το βιβλίο της Johanna Lindsey “Τυφλή Αφοσίωση”, το οποίο κυκλοφορεί από τις εκδόσεις Elxis, ήταν το συγκλονιστικό εξώφυλλο του. Ιδανικό για την ιστορία του βιβλίου και τους δυναμικούς του ήρωες. Ήρωες που γνώριζα καλά, πολύ πριν τον βιβλίο εκδ...

Tender Rebel (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

The Devil Who Tamed Her (2007)

In my effort to understand the romance genre, it was time once again to pick up another romance novel.For science. You monster.The result is a book that Iiked more then I thought I would, But something that just fall short of being a story I'll remember.The story is about Ophelia Reid, who is the...

The Devil Who Tamed Her (2007) by Johanna Lindsey

Captive of My Desires (2007)

Ugh. Looks like I dipped in the Malory well one too many times. After reading The Magic of You and Say You Love Me, and enjoying both immensely, I was looking forward to more of the same with Captive of My Desires. What a let-down. Not only were the hero and heroine totally mismatched, but I co...

Captive of My Desires (2007) by Johanna Lindsey

Hearts Aflame (1987)

I don't seem to enjoy a lot of the books that were written in the 80's and very early 90's. There's too much violence and raping and abuse in some of them. It seems like a crap shoot any time I pick one up. This book was one that I read years ago in the early days of my romance reading. (I starte...

Hearts Aflame (1987) by Johanna Lindsey

Love Me Forever (2006)

Historically inaccurate and confusing. A dull, unrealistic story with one dimensional charactersFirst, the historical inaccuracies. I'm not usually an "accuracy Nazi". It is fiction, after all, and is meant to entertain. However, when the author presents things that are so conflicting in time and...

Love Me Forever (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

Say You Love Me (1997)

When reading a series there are some readers who liked to be reminded of past heros and heroines from the previous books, I happen to not be one of those readers. Don't get me wrong I don't mind a small re-cap but to go on pages and pages about how Anthony was a notorious rake and how James was a...

Say You Love Me (1997) by Johanna Lindsey

Captive Bride (2009)

This book sucks beyond belief! And like it's not infuriating enough plot wise, it goes on and on like a delusional maniac, claiming rape is not rape, abduction is not abduction, coercion is not coercion, and it's totally alright to be kidnapped, held against your will, raped, beaten and humiliate...

Captive Bride (2009) by Johanna Lindsey

Joining (2006)

Nah, ini buku hisrom pertama yang aku baca sampek tuntas. Awalnya sih baca buku pertama yang Defy not the Heart, tapi stuck di bab 5.Alasannya?1.tKarena karakter buku kedua ini lebih menarik.Milisant, digambarkan sebagai perempuan dengan perilaku yang tidak sesuai kodratnya. Dia pintar berburu, m...

Joining (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

Silver Angel (1999)

Kidnapped and sold into slavery, Chantelle Burke was led into the Pasha's scented chambers swearing she'd never surrender to this ruthless master. But she was stunned by the magnificently handsome man who awaited her amid the silk and splendor. His piercing emerald eyes held her in their power; h...

Silver Angel (1999) by Johanna Lindsey

Secret Fire (1987)

He's caught only a glimpse of her from the window of his carriage, but the young Russian prince knew he had to have her. Within minutes, Lady Katherine St. John was dragged from the London street like a common waif and carries off to a sumptuous town house...

Secret Fire (1987) by Johanna Lindsey

Heart of Thunder (1983)

I’ve read Johanna Lindsay’s entire backlist- the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have her entire backlist in 1st printing even. When I heard there was a sale on some of her digital editions. I grabbed a few. Heart of Thunder was one of them. I decided a bit ago to work my way through some of ...

Heart of Thunder (1983) by Johanna Lindsey

Glorious Angel (2002)

My occasional revists to Johanna Lindsey haven't gone well, this masochistic little odyssey into high school nostalgia that I swear has a homing device in the crapper.But you know what keeps me picking up the Lindseys with an ever-hopeful burst of optimism? The cover art. Surely some of the Bob M...

Glorious Angel (2002) by Johanna Lindsey

Brave the Wild Wind (1984)

This was an intense book for me, and one that reread frequently growing up. The start of the story really sucks you right into the story. Jessie's father beats her mother Rachel within an inch of her life, because he sees a black-haired women in bed with another man, and thinks it's his wife, w...

Brave the Wild Wind (1984) by Johanna Lindsey

So Speaks the Heart (2004)

This waste of Amazonian forest was not only awful, nonsensical and so bad it remained forever bad, but also exhaustingly, thunderously boring. One could not even seek refuge in the blessings of trashy imagery; evil females stripping the heroine bare to have her creamy flesh flayed, ancient Count...

So Speaks the Heart (2004) by Johanna Lindsey

A Pirate's Love (2008)

OH MY GOD! AWFUL , JUST AWFUL. Normally i like a book with an overly macho alpha male, who is in love with the heroine to the point of obsession, but this was just soo terrible , i wish i could go back in time and un-read it.Firstly i would like to clarify that i get that this is a 'Bodice ripper...

A Pirate's Love (2008) by Johanna Lindsey

Gentle Rogue (2005)

Re-read 7/18/10 -- Man... I think I even liked this audiobook better the second time around. Pirrrrrrrratical fun. ;)4.5/5 stars. This was my first novel by Johanna Lindsey, though I read a short-story of hers in an anthology before reading this book. As I listened to the audiobook, I was tr...

Gentle Rogue (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

All I Need Is You (1998)

Second in the Straton Family historical western romance series and revolving around the Straton family. The couple focus is on Chandos and Courtney's daughter, Casey, and Damian. It's 1892 in Texas.My TakeHow very disappointing. I expected so much more from Lindsey, but most of the story was tell...

All I Need Is You (1998) by Johanna Lindsey

Marriage Most Scandalous (2006)

Bintang 3.Sebuah pengkhianatan seorang sahabat dan sandiawara besar yg merugikan tak hanya satu orang tapi beberapa keluarga yg saling berhubungan erat satu sama lain. Menimbulkan kesedihan dan ketidakbahagiaan bagi banyak orang hanya karena satu orang yg egois dan licik.Sebastian Townshend putra...

Marriage Most Scandalous (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

The Pursuit (2006)

'Seringkali asumsi, persepsi, dan prasangka , membuat manusia cenderung memberi kesimpulan dan cap/stigma mengenai sifat, karakter seseorang.'Membaca sinopsisnya sepintas mengingatkan cerita film Satu Mawar Tiga Duri. Cerita tentang keponakan yang dikagumi banyak pria dan kemudian para pengagumny...

The Pursuit (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

Home for the Holidays (2002)

Historical English romance with a holiday theme that pulls at your heart strings because Larissa Ascot is seriously sweet and wholesome. She can't even hate the guy that is ruining her family and then takes her virginity, she still thinks that he is going to do the right thing by her and her fami...

Home for the Holidays (2002) by Johanna Lindsey

Defy Not the Heart (2006)

Bintang 3Buku ke 1 seri Wyoming.Pandangan mata dapat menipu. Untuk itu seseorang harus dapat bertindak bijaksana dan berlaku adil dalam menghadapi segala sesuatu yg menjadi masalah. Apalagi jika masalah itu menyangkut seseorang yg penting dalam hidup kita. Kebenaran sejati harus kita ketahui sebe...

Defy Not the Heart (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

A Heart So Wild (1986)

Bintang 4 Buku ke 1 seri Straton Family.Judulnya sangat sesuai dengan karakter Chandos yg liar. Kukira Chandos sedikitnya memiliki darah indian ditubuhnya, tapi ternyata tidak sama sekali. Chandos memiliki nama yg beradab namun tak ingin digunakannya karena suatu alasan. Keadaanlah yg menjadikann...

A Heart So Wild (1986) by Johanna Lindsey

A Gentle Feuding (2002)

It's been years since I've read Johanna Lindsey. 8th grade, maybe? High schoolish? (So we're talking 1989-1993.) Now, having picked up A Gentle Feuding, I remember why I read JL back in the day with such speed and future lack of retention about any of the plots: Lindsey's style is very simplisti...

A Gentle Feuding (2002) by Johanna Lindsey

Paradise Wild (2006)

hmmm, aku sedikit kecewa dengan buku Lindsey yang baru terbit ini. rasanya 'inti' dari Historical-Romance itu sudah berkurang di buku terakhir Lindsey yang aku beli. sayang sekali.tapi kalau 'inti' dari HR itu gak dipikirin, maka dengan alur ceritanya, Lindsey tetap paling top. ceritanya gak sepe...

Paradise Wild (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

When Love Awaits (2004)

Bintang 3.Sejenis dengan buku karangan JL yg penuh dengan penipuan karakter antagonis yg ingin mgambil keuntungan, tak adanya kejujuran antara karakter hero dan heroine, keadaan yg tak menguntungkan, ketegaran dan harga diri yg tinggi yg dimiliki karakter heroine, dan gabungan dari unsur unsur t...

When Love Awaits (2004) by Johanna Lindsey

Love Only Once (2005)

IMPORTANT: This review has initially been written on my own site back in the day (2009) when I was not a goodreads member.I'll refrain from writing a summary and simply point out the ups and downs from my perspective. I'll also be most careful on how much I will be revealing; my desire is to make...

Love Only Once (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

Surrender My Love (2003)

Balas dendam yang berakhir "manis".Seperti buku pertama dan kedua dari seri Viking, buku ini bercerita tentang balas dendam, salah paham, perbudakan, dan akhirnya jatuh cinta. Tapi buku ketiga ini bagiku tidak terlalu banyak mengekspos emosi tokoh hero dan heroinenya yang menjadikanbuku ini hamba...

Surrender My Love (2003) by Johanna Lindsey

Tender Is the Storm (2003)

Sharisee Hammond had resigned herself to marry Joel Parrington, the man her father had arranged for her. Though she did not love the man, she would never complain and always do what her father expected of her. That was until her younger sister Stephanie told her of her undying love for Joel and h...

Tender Is the Storm (2003) by Johanna Lindsey

The Magic of You (2005)

Have i told you that i love Malory family and now Anderson family even more???I already told you that, ugh???? Sorry, but be patient with me!!! What is one more time???I think that in this book i laugh more than all the previous books and believe me that all of them was laughable enough...But thi...

The Magic of You (2005) by Johanna Lindsey

Prisoner of My Desire (1991)

There is so much I'm willing to forgive in a HR taking place in the Middle Ages. I would actually prefer not to have woman's lib and obnoxiously feisty (or male-wannabe) heroines fettered during this time. But there is one interesting feature in this book - the heroine rapes the hero.Scandalous, ...

Prisoner of My Desire (1991) by Johanna Lindsey

Savage Thunder (2003)

Bintang 5Buku ke2 seri Wyoming.Terenyuh, sakit hati, dan sedih. Itulah yg kurasakan saat membaca 2 bab awal buku ini.Bagaimana tidak, Colt Hunter alias White Hunter, teman dekat Jessie (baca buku pertama) yg berdarah campuran setengah Indian-kulit putih, harus mengalami pencambukan yg hampir mere...

Savage Thunder (2003) by Johanna Lindsey

Fires of Winter (1980)

Once upon a time, there was a warrior maiden of reluctant femininity who fell in love with the slightly emo (but always badass) second son of a noble family....But this is not their story. This is FIRES OF WINTER, a bucket of dead tree barf that was cobbled into really cheap toilet paper, the sor...

Fires of Winter (1980) by Johanna Lindsey

Keeper of the Heart (2006)

Bintang 3Buku ke2 seri Ly-San-TerSemua orang pasti memiliki ketakutan dan traumanya masing masing tak terkecuali kedua karakter tokoh utama dalam buku ini Shanelle dan Falon.Shanelle, gadis cantik peranakan dari dua orang yg memiliki kebudayaan dan planet yg berbeda. Ibunya Tedra de Arr adalah se...

Keeper of the Heart (2006) by Johanna Lindsey

The Present (2001)

Bintang 3,5Buku ke6 seri Malory-Anderson FamilyBuku satu ini cukup unik. Aku jarang membaca cerita berbingkai dan buku ini adalah salah satunya.Setelah 5 tahun berlalu dari kehebohan skandal perceraian dan skandal Derek dan Kelsey, Jason yg selama waktu itu telah sering meyakinkan Molly untuk men...

The Present (2001) by Johanna Lindsey

You Belong to Me

She would use his carriage, then send it back for him, and hopefully she wouldn’t see him again for a while. She needed time to digest everything she’d been told before she spoke with him again—if she ever spoke with him again. At the moment, she couldn’t imagine her reaction if she had to listen...

You Belong to Me by Johanna Lindsey

A Rogue of My Own (2009)

She immediately raised up her other hand to keep the glass from falling off its base, too flustered to realize she would have burned herself. But her hold on the lamp balanced out before she did and she quickly shoved it onto the table next to the door. By the time her eyes lit on Rupert, he was ...

A Rogue of My Own (2009) by Johanna Lindsey

No Choice but Seduction

Boyd asked.It was as if two minutes of silence hadn’t slowly passed while they stared at each other across the table, oblivious of everything else in the room. Katey hadn’t expected him to show up at Haverston. When Judith and her mother had caught up to her coach and led the way to the ancestral...

No Choice but Seduction by Johanna Lindsey

Make Me Love You

But it didn’t occur to her until she was resting in her room that Dominic’s coming home with a new horse could mean only one thing. He either already had a mistress, or he’d found one that quickly today, or maybe even last night after dinner. Either way, she guessed the horse was for her to seal ...

Make Me Love You by Johanna Lindsey

A Loving Scoundrel (2004)

She was a whirlwind of activity, instructions, and nonstop chatter. She did drag Danny out of Jeremy’s house and down the street to hers and took her straight up to her bedchamber, not giving her any time to gape at the magnificent town house they were rushing through. Regina immediately summoned...

A Loving Scoundrel (2004) by Johanna Lindsey

Until Forever

Roseleen heard the rasping voice behind her and swung around to try to locate it. They were back in her bedchamber in Cavenaugh Cottage, which meant no one else should have been there, at least not someone whose voice she didn’t recognize. But when she found the speaker, slouched back on her narr...

Until Forever by Johanna Lindsey

Once a Princess (1991)

It had occurred to him that perhaps Americans were different in the way they handled certain situations, and that possibility was what actually took a big chunk out of his anger. After all, Tanya might lose her temper frequently with him, even with his friends, but he couldn’t recall her ever let...

Once a Princess (1991) by Johanna Lindsey

The Heir (2000)

She would have changed her clothes, however, if she’d noticed it in time, rather than after she was already halfway into the ballroom. She’d been too busy trying to locate Raphael Locke, though, to see what everyone else was wearing. But she ignored it after her initial surprise and momentary dis...

The Heir (2000) by Johanna Lindsey

Man of My Dreams

By mutual agreement, silent though understood, a sort of truce was declared for lovemaking. It was an unusual concept, but it worked very well. Devlin would come to her room at night, and without a word, Megan would move into his arms. She came to understand that despite what he might think of he...

Man of My Dreams by Johanna Lindsey

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