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Jo Graham books

Jo Graham
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Read Books by Jo Graham


Hand of Isis (2009)

This is a historical fiction which is based on Cleopatra's life, the last Pharaoh of ancient Egypt. The story is told from the point of view of Charmain, her handmaiden. It goes from them growing up as children through their suicide (told in past tense as Chairman is pleading her soul to Isis and...

Hand of Isis (2009) by Jo Graham

The Ravens of Falkenau & Other Stories

That was what had happened this year.  The flood had been bad, so bad that even her father, who owned a piece of bottomland, had shaken his head and muttered prayers.  Further up, where they lived, the flood had not come at all.  The fields that should have been deep in life-giving...

The Ravens of Falkenau & Other Stories by Jo Graham

Black Ships (2008)

The last, dreamy, drowsy days of summer were on us, hot and still. Most of the time there was no wind, and we had to go under oar. In the afternoons, thunderstorms often came up and we ran into the nearest beach so that we would not have to ride out the worst of them, though if there was no islan...

Black Ships (2008) by Jo Graham

Stealing Fire

Above us, the dawn sky stretched pale blue, the last stars disappeared. We had marched all night. It was easier thus, with so little water.     Now we camped in a steep wadi whose sheltering walls would give us some respite from the sun. I took my helmet off and scrubbed my wh...

Stealing Fire by Jo Graham

STARGATE ATLANTIS: The Furies (Book 4 in the Legacy series)

Guide said. “If you do intend to make an alliance in truth.” He looked from Teyla to Sheppard. “There are other things besides the location of Dr. McKay that may prove of interest to you.” “And I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff you’d like to know,” Sheppard said pleasantly. “We’ll see.” Guide snort...

STARGATE ATLANTIS: The Furies (Book 4 in the Legacy series) by Jo Graham

The General's Mistress

I bought table linens, and then spent most of the afternoon buying food. I decided not to get overcomplicated. A good mushroom soup was not beyond my skills as a first course, and could be made on the Franklin stove without difficulty. A roasted chicken could be purchased ahead of time and served...

The General's Mistress by Jo Graham

SGA - 14 - Death Game

She thought she heard the quiet sound of the jumper’s engine, but when she jolted to wakefulness it wasn’t there. It was a long moment before she remembered where she was, and why there was not the breathing quiet of Atlantis’ ventilation systems.She was in Pelagia in the palace, and Atlantis was...

SGA - 14 - Death Game by Jo Graham

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