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Jim Fusilli books

Jim Fusilli
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Read Books by Jim Fusilli


Pet Sounds (2005)

Pet Sounds is, rightly, one of the most celebrated pop albums everreleased. It has also been written about, pored over, and analyzed more than most other albums put together. In this disarming book, Jim Fusilli focuses primarily on the emotional core of the album, on Brian Wilson's pitch-perfect ...

Pet Sounds (2005) by Jim Fusilli

Baltimore Noir (2006)

Brand-new stories by: David Simon, Laura Lippman, Tim Cockey, Rob Hiaasen, Robert Ward, Sujata Massey, Jack Bludis, Rafael Alvarez, Marcia Talley, Joseph Wallace, Lisa Respers France, Charlie Stella, Sarah Weinman, Dan Fesperman, Jim Fusilli, and Ben Neihart.Laura Lippman has lived in Baltimore m...

Baltimore Noir (2006) by Jim Fusilli

Crime Plus Music

WITH every passing year, she looks more like her mother. And it pierces me to the heart. When I stopped by her room this evening, I asked if her birthday awakened memories of her mother. She shook her head, leaning forward so her long blond hair curtained her face, cutting us off from each other....

Crime Plus Music by Jim Fusilli

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