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James Mallory books

James Mallory
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Read Books by James Mallory


Merlin: Part 1 - The Old Magic (1999)

I should admit, my high rating of this series is more to do with the fact that I am a massive fangirl of the miniseries that this is based on, rather than any particular qualities of the books themselves. Not to say that they are bad as stand alone books, but I wouldn't say that they were spectac...

Merlin: Part 1 - The Old Magic (1999) by James Mallory

Merlin: Part 3 - The End of Magic (2009)

The war between Merlin and the pagan Mab, Queen of Magic, hurtles toward the final conflict.At last, a good King sits on England's throne. But Arthur leaves Camelot on a quest of shadows, while his nemesis, Mab's disciple Mordred, grows into a monster cruel enough to laugh at his own mother's mur...

Merlin: Part 3 - The End of Magic (2009) by James Mallory

Merlin: Part 2 - The King's Wizard (1999)

A TIMELESS EPIC, A NEW CLASSIC FOR ALL AGES -- MERLINMab is the powerful Queen of Magic, but her cruel evil has turned the wizard Merlin into her implacable enemy. And Mab's sister, the Lady of the Lake, comes to Merlin's aid, giving him Excalibur. The singing Sword of the Just, held in the stone...

Merlin: Part 2 - The King's Wizard (1999) by James Mallory

The King's Wizard (2009)

Within its walls, Morgan le Fay ruled as sole overlord, as she had from the time when she was eight years old.     It was a lonely life. Since the day that Uther had taken the castle and Gorlois had died, there had been an aura of ill-luck surrounding Tintagel’s walls like the...

The King's Wizard (2009) by James Mallory

The Phoenix Endangered

Kareta said cheerfully.It was a fortnight later, and the last two sennights had been peaceful to the point of boring. Harrier wondered who kept order in the Elven Lands, because unless they were a lot different than humans, someone had to. When he’d finally gotten curious enough to ask Ancaladar ...

The Phoenix Endangered by James Mallory

The Old Magic (2009)

He’d learned to shut out the warnings over the years—you could do anything with practice—and there weren’t that many people in Barnstable Forest anyway. All the more reason that this summons to a duty long abandoned took Herne the Hunter completely by surprise.     Once, long ...

The Old Magic (2009) by James Mallory

The Phoenix Unchained

As befit a party commemorating the Seventeenth Naming Day of one of the sons of the Harbormaster of Armethalieh, the event was not only well-attended by friends of the family, but visited by those who wished Antarans Gillain to think well of them over the year to come. Fortunately those visitors ...

The Phoenix Unchained by James Mallory

The End of Magic (2009)

Though there was neither night nor day here in the Enchanted Forest that Mab had made for them, they had fallen into a regular pattern of waking and sleeping and performing simple homely tasks. Neither of them realized that each time they slept it was for a longer period, until one day soon they ...

The End of Magic (2009) by James Mallory

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