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Isabel Allende books

Isabel Allende
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Read Books by Isabel Allende


Maya's Notebook (2013)

بالمصادفة وقعت عيني على هذه الرواية وجذب انتباهي غلافها الغريب ومنذ إن بدأت قرأتها لم استطيع التوقف ايزابيل الليندي اسلوبها رائع جداً واعتقد انها مارح تكون الرواية الاخيرة الي رح اقرأها الها معاناة مايا في الرواية متاكدة اي شخص عاشها معها وتأثر بِ تفاصيلها This novel is incredibly different from ...

Maya's Notebook (2013) by Isabel Allende

El cuaderno de Maya (2011)

I love everything Allende has ever written and I recommend you read everything! This was touching. This is now one of my favorite books, EVER! I hung on every last word of this beautiful novel.

El cuaderno de Maya (2011) by Isabel Allende

Maya's Notebook LP: A Novel (2013)

I love Allende and this story is peeled back in metaphorical brilliance. Interesting new work by a classic writer. Good plot but not as profound as her classic work

Maya's Notebook LP: A Novel (2013) by Isabel Allende

O Caderno de Maya (2011)

J I think it would be particularly interesting if you had a teen daughter

O Caderno de Maya (2011) by Isabel Allende

Eva Luna (1989)

I've read two of Allende's novels now (this, and The House of the Spirits) and I'm smitten. Her narratives are sprawling, ever-changing, slightly magical, and imaginative. Her characters undergo constant, whirlwind twists of fate and chance. Eva Luna is central in the universe (of the novel and a...

Eva Luna (1989) by Isabel Allende

The Stories of Eva Luna (2001)

Started last night... I rescued this book from the local transfer station(dump) used goods trailer. Never read any of this author's work but I've heard of her of course. Niece(once removed) of Salvador, socialist President of Chile. It didn't end well, of course. Chile, the craziest country in th...

The Stories of Eva Luna (2001) by Isabel Allende

Inés of My Soul (2006)

15/2 - I know almost nothing about South American history - I have heard of the Aztecs and the Incas and some of the myths surrounding them (mostly from movies), but I don't know any of the historical figures of any past era (or really even, the current era). I have wanted to read an Isabel Alle...

Inés of My Soul (2006) by Isabel Allende

Forest of the Pygmies (2006)

Dessa vez já reencontramos Nádia e Alexander no novo lugar de sua aventura, ambos estão acompanhando Kate que fora convidada por um guia e naturalista para escrever sobre uma nova modalidade de turismo na África. Kate até tinha prometido não levar os garotos para mais nenhuma aventura, mas não vi...

Forest of the Pygmies (2006) by Isabel Allende

Of Love and Shadows (2005)

تعبر إيزابيل الليندي عن كتاباتها قائلة: "أكتب لأتداوى"...وأنا أسير خلف كتاباتها من منطلق: "أقرأ لأتداوى"فهي الوحيدة القادرة في كل قراءة لها على أن تخرجني من عالمي إلى عالمها، بل عوالمها التي تنسجها ببراعة فائقة تسطر فيها لحكايات تلقي عليها ظلالا من الواقعية السحرية مغلفة بالحب، وإن كانت تنسجها في...

Of Love and Shadows (2005) by Isabel Allende

The Infinite Plan (1994)

The Infinite Plan is different than Allende's other works: the protagonist, Gregory Reeves, is male and the setting is not in South America but in the United States. In addition, Allende attempts to cover broad historical time periods in the United States: the aftermath of World War II; the hippi...

The Infinite Plan (1994) by Isabel Allende

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (2005)

The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon by bestselling author Isabel Allende is, quite simply put, a terribly bad book. The plot is utterly predictable and cliched; the characters uninteresting and uni-dimensional; and the writing bored me to tears (it may be better in the original Spanish, but I very ...

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (2005) by Isabel Allende

City of the Beasts (2004)

Alexander Cold pemuda 15 tahun, suatu hari dia terbangun karena mendapatkan mimpi buruk ttg burung nasar raksasa menabrak jendela kaca rumahnya hingga pecah dan membawa ibunya pergi menghilang.dan dia merasakan mimpi itu sebuah pertanda buruk ttg keluarganya, Lisa Cold,wanita cantik dan periang y...

City of the Beasts (2004) by Isabel Allende

My Invented Country: A Nostalgic Journey Through Chile (2003)

Neste livro, em vez de nos levar pela ficção com base em histórias da sua infância ou do seu país, Isabel Allende leva-nos mesmo pela história real da sua infância e do seu país, o Chile.Ler O meu país inventado ensina-nos mais sobre um país que, para os portugueses, está lá longe e não é relevan...

My Invented Country: A Nostalgic Journey Through Chile (2003) by Isabel Allende

Daughter of Fortune (2006)

Rather than an objective evaluation of this novel as a work of literary fiction, this rating and review is more a reflection of how deeply it has continued to affect me over the years. Despite the differences of time and place, customs and traditions, exposure and beliefs, there is something very...

Daughter of Fortune (2006) by Isabel Allende

Zorro (2005)

Arrivava un momento, a casa mia, quando ero più piccola, in cui bastava che andasse in onda una sigla televisiva per far sì che sulla cucina scendesse un’aura di sacertà senza eguali, era il momento in cui un cavallo nero impennava all’orizzonte e la sigla televisiva faceva così “Zorro, Zorro, ha...

Zorro (2005) by Isabel Allende

Portrait in Sepia (2006)

لستُ أدري في أي منعطف على الطريق أضعت الشخص الذي كُنته في ما مضىهذه رواية عن الذاكرةعن الأشخاص العديدين الذين نمر بهم في داخلناعن كل تحول يبدلنا فلا نعود نعرف ((أنا)) القديمة التي ننسلخ عنهاوسواء حُفظت تلك الذاكرة في اللاشعور أو احتفظت بها صورة فوتوغرافية أو دفتر اصفرّت اوراقهفهي دوماً تبقى جزءًا...

Portrait in Sepia (2006) by Isabel Allende

Paula (2004)

إذ استمرت حياتك على هذا المنوال، ولدى بلوغك الخمسين حملت قلما وشحذت ذهنا لتكتب مذكراتك، فعن ماذا ستتمخض ذاكرتك؟ هل هناك مايستحق أن يقال؟ أم أن اﻷسطر ستنوء بالكثير من الروتين والعادات اليومية، الشهرية، السنوية؟ هل ستلهم حياتك أحدا أم ستجعل الآخرين يحمدون الله على العافية؟ بالنسبة لإيزابيل الليندي ...

Paula (2004) by Isabel Allende

Hija de la Fortuna (2002)

Eliza Sommers es una joven chilena que vive en Valparaíso en 1849, el año en que se descubre oro en California. Su amante, Joaquín Andieta, parte hacia el norte decidido a encontrar fortuna, y ella decide seguirlo. El viaje infernal, escondida en la cala de un velero, y la búsqueda de su amante e...

Hija de la Fortuna (2002) by Isabel Allende

The Japanese Lover (2015)

In 1939, as Poland falls under the shadow of the Nazis, young Alma Belasco's parents send her away to live in safety with an aunt and uncle in their opulent mansion in San Francisco. There, as the rest of the world goes to war, she encounters Ichimei Fukuda, the quiet and gentle son of the family...

The Japanese Lover (2015) by Isabel Allende

Maya's Notebook: A Novel

And it will be my birthday on the twenty-fifth—I’m a Libra—I’ll be twenty years old, and my adolescence will be over with once and for all. Juesú, what a relief! Normally on the weekends some young people come to see their families, but in September they start arriving en masse, the boats full ev...

Maya's Notebook: A Novel by Isabel Allende

Inés del alma mía (2006)

—¡Allí! ¡Ése es el Jardín del Edén que por años he anhelado! —gritaba el viejo, ardiendo de fiebre por el flechazo recibido, que ni las yerbas y hechicerías de Catalina ni las oraciones del capellán habían logrado sanar.     Habíamos descendido sobre un valle muy dulce, lleno ...

Inés del alma mía (2006) by Isabel Allende

Ines of My Soul

For the first months I wrote in my own hand, but now I grow tired after a few lines and I prefer dictating to you. My handwriting resembles fly tracks, but yours, Isabel, is fine, and elegant. You like the brown oxide ink, a novelty from Spain that I have trouble reading, but since you are doing ...

Ines of My Soul by Isabel Allende

The Sum of Our Days

I finished writing Aphrodite in a few weeks and added erotic recipes from Dadá’s kitchen in Bahía as well as others invented by my mother, and then I asked Lori to design the book, a good way to lower her defenses. Amanda was my accomplice. Once the three of us went to a Buddhist retreat, at Lori...

The Sum of Our Days by Isabel Allende

My Invented Country

The youngest generations believe the world began with them; anything that happened before they were born doesn’t interest them. And it may be that the rest of the population shares a collective shame regarding what took place during the dictatorship, the same feeling that Germany had after Hitler...

My Invented Country by Isabel Allende

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