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Hoag, Tami books

Hoag, Tami
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Read Books by Hoag, Tami


Deeper Than The Dead

Soft amber lights flanked the front door. Rosebushes lined the front walk. The roses glowed white in the moonlight.     Vince followed her up the steps, admiring her behind in a pair of blue jeans. “You live here alone?”     “With my father. He allegedly ne...

Deeper Than The Dead by Hoag, Tami

Secrets to the Grave (2010)

Anne brought a bowl of tomato soup to the kitchen table and sat down next to Haley on the banquette. Haley had tossed the question out like she was asking the time of day. Matter-of-fact in the way of small children whose lives drift in and out of fantasy. Death was unreal, but a unicorn might li...

Secrets to the Grave (2010) by Hoag, Tami

A Thin Dark Line

He didn’t want anyone finding him here come first light. Which was why he had parked his truck on a secluded boat landing off the levee road a quarter mile away. If word leaked of an association between the defendant and the key witness in the brutality case, there would be hell to pay for both o...

A Thin Dark Line by Hoag, Tami

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