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Hank Davis books

Hank Davis
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Read Books by Hank Davis


Caveman Logic: The Persistence of Primitive Thinking in a Modern World (2009)

“Evolutionary psychology is a relatively new field that offers a scientific, indeed a biological approach, to understanding human behavior. Unlike other fields of psychology, an evolutionary approach attempts to understand humans as part of the biological world in which they evolved.” p. 13My hus...

Caveman Logic: The Persistence of Primitive Thinking in a Modern World (2009) by Hank Davis

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

They had told him that he wasn’t insane—but then, they might have been lying to him. Then they sent them to a place in space from which ships did not return. The mission was insane in every meaning of the word . . . Theodore Sturgeon (1918-1985) was one of the great writers of science fiction’s “...

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream by Hank Davis

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