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George R.R. Martin books

George R.R. Martin
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Read Books by George R.R. Martin


A Dance with Dragons (2011)

That's right, I finally finished this behemoth.I started reading this around October of 2013 and then put it down until earlier this month. While I'm anxiously awaiting "The Winds of Winter," hopefully it doesn't come out within the next three or four months, as I have a massive backlog of "Want...

A Dance with Dragons (2011) by George R.R. Martin

Il trono di spade (2001)

Eigentlich ein sehr interessantes Buch. Am Anfang fiel es mir noch recht schwer alle Namen auseinander zu halten, aber mit der Zeit klappte das ganz gut.Allerdings gehen viele Charaktere nicht sehr tief und durch die verschiedenen Perspektiven verliert man auch mal jemanden aus dem Auge.Außerdem ...

Il trono di spade (2001) by George R.R. Martin

Dangerous Women (2013)

I ordered this book into my local library, and evidently it is very popular as there was a waiting list. I was surprised when I started to read it that the pages were pristine, appearing to never have been read. Then I realized that the only sections of the book that appeared worn were the stor...

Dangerous Women (2013) by George R.R. Martin

Rogues (2014)

FANTASTIC!Review of Audiobook. This is a collection of stories from various authors, some well known, some relatively least to me. What sets this book apart and makes it deserving of ten stars (though I'm limited to five) is that every story--EVERY story--was a winner! The plots were ...

Rogues (2014) by George R.R. Martin

A Muralha de Gelo (1996)

Ich werde jetzt hier weder was analysieren noch groß bewerten, sondern nur fix ein paar Gedanken ordnen...Obwohl mir Part 2 des ersten ASoIaF Bandes besser als Part 1 gefallen hat, bin ich noch nicht so 100% von Westeros und dem ganzen Drum und Dran überzeugt.Es gibt einfach zu viel, das mich abs...

A Muralha de Gelo (1996) by George R.R. Martin

Ruas Estranhas (2012)

Muszę przyznać, że trochę się zawiodłem. Widząc zestawienie Martin + opowiadania od razu nasuwają mi się "Piaseczniki", jednak tutaj ani jedno opowiadanie nie było tej klasy. Pierwsze dwa bardzo słabe, dalej trochę lepiej jednak jak wspomniałem wyżej, żadnego na miarę Piaseczników. Rozumiem, że M...

Ruas Estranhas (2012) by George R.R. Martin

Chodząc nędznymi ulicami (2012)

If you are looking for what most people call urban fantasy you will be disappointed with this collection. Not that there aren't some interesting stories inside, but many of them are not what I consider urban fantasy.I'll fess up to normally skipping stories by Harris, so I thought I would give h...

Chodząc nędznymi ulicami (2012) by George R.R. Martin

Danza de dragones (2012)

So I have finished all the volumes of the series that have come out so far. Vol. 5 is better than vol. 4: it has a faster pace, deals with most of the more interesting characters (Jon Snow, Tyrion, Danaerys, etc.) and takes the story further. Martin is still a fascinating storyteller, nonetheless...

Danza de dragones (2012) by George R.R. Martin

A Fúria dos Reis (2008)

Ya var ya çoluğunu çocuğunu ''Ötekiler'' alsın Martin Amca. Nasıl bir şey yazmışsın aman yarabbi. Kitap müthişti 470 sayfa soluksuz okudum diyebilirim. Bran'ın anlatıcı olduğu bölümlerde acayip sıkıldım. İlk kitapta da en zevksiz, en sıkıcı bölümler Bran'ın anlatıcı olduğu kısımlardı. Kitap tam b...

A Fúria dos Reis (2008) by George R.R. Martin

Songs of Love and Death: All-Original Tales of Star-Crossed Love (2010)

I can't speak for those who already love the romance genre and its authors. But if that's not you, this collection might not be the best introduction. The majority of the stories didn't have strong and interesting characters that stood on their own merits to the degree that I felt any real concer...

Songs of Love and Death: All-Original Tales of Star-Crossed Love (2010) by George R.R. Martin

O Despertar da Magia (1998)

Darum gehts:Der Bürgerkrieg um die Herrschaft der Sieben Königreiche hat ganz Westeros zerissen und entzetzliche Verheerungen angerichtet. Die Ernten sind vernichtet, und die großen und kleinen Häuser haben einen schrecklichen Blutzoll entrichtet. Der grausame Kindkönig auf dem Eisenthron erweist...

O Despertar da Magia (1998) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire #1-4: A Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings/A Storm of Swords/A Feast for Crows (2011)

I enjoy fantasy, but typically turn up my nose at high/heroic fantasy in medieval settings. This series surprised me by sweeping me away. I felt literally addicted to reading them. I was nearly useless for weeks, wanting nothing more than to sink into the fascinating world of Westeros and its sur...

A Song of Ice and Fire #1-4: A Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings/A Storm of Swords/A Feast for Crows (2011) by George R.R. Martin

O Mar de Ferro (2005)

Este livro centra-se mais nas personagens Cersei e Jaime. Em segundo plano temos a Brienne e o Samwell.Arya, Sansa têm um capítulo cada uma, assim como os acontecimentos em Dorne. Posto isto, o que mais me marcou:Fiquei em choque com o capítulo da Arya. Gosto cada vez mais da Brienne e parece-me ...

O Mar de Ferro (2005) by George R.R. Martin

Il grande inverno (1996)

Der zweite Teil der deutschen Übersetzung (Band 1.2) entspricht der zweiten Hälfte des ersten englischen Bandes und knüpft demnach nahtlos an das Geschehen zuvor an.Wir begleiten die bisherigen Charaktere weiter auf ihrer Reise und bekommen das Geschehen aus der Perspektive mehrerer Handelnder er...

Il grande inverno (1996) by George R.R. Martin

Das Erbe von Winterfell (1996)

Also, Teil 2. Ich fand, der zweite Band las sich noch besser lesen als der erste. Es gab einige fiese Cliffhanger am Ende der jeweiligen Kapitel. Es fiel mir leichter, mit den Namen zurecht zu kommen, da nicht so viele wichtige neue Charaktere eingeführt wurden (ok... die ganzen Lords hab ich bei...

Das Erbe von Winterfell (1996) by George R.R. Martin

A Game of Thrones pt.2 (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2) del (2000)

It is one of those times when I'm a bit sad that I was spoiled by the TV series.The way this book ends automatically compels/forces you to start reading the next oneimmediately after. It is addictive!I've only read two of them so far but I'm enjoying every bit of the story. Even if you saw the TV...

A Game of Thrones pt.2 (A Song of Ice and Fire, #2) del (2000) by George R.R. Martin

A Guerra dos Tronos, Volume II de II (1996)

Il primo libro, il trono di spade, per quanto possa piacere, è solo un assaggio, un riferimento, un apripista della saga, che in questo secondo volume prende letteralmente il volo. L'azione si fa intensa, i colpi di scena, che Martin non lesinava nel primo, si fanno ancor più numerosi ed interess...

A Guerra dos Tronos, Volume II de II (1996) by George R.R. Martin

A Muralha de Gelo, Volume I de II (1996)

Nachdem ich jetzt auch den zweiten Teil regelrecht verschlungen habe, bin ich immer noch schwer begeistert. Immer wieder gibt es Wendungen, mit denen man als Leser_in nicht unbedingt rechnet und gerade deshalb fiebert man derart mit den Charakteren mit, dass es einem nicht gelingt, das Buch für l...

A Muralha de Gelo, Volume I de II (1996) by George R.R. Martin

L'ombra della profezia (2005)

Pea aasta vahet raamatute ilmumises on mäluga teinud tõhusat laastamistööd. Väga paljud nimed ei ütle enam mitte midagi. Pisematest intriigidest ma ei hakka rääkimagi, nende kirjeldustest lasen lihtsalt kiirelt silmadega üle. Aga mõnel juhul tekib tunne, et ma peaksin mäletama kellest nad nüüd rä...

L'ombra della profezia (2005) by George R.R. Martin

Die dunkle Königin (2005)

Dispiace dare meno di cinque stelline a un libro di George Martin ma stavolta non posso farne a meno. Sarà che ci ha sempre abituato a grandi avvenimenti, grandi colpi di scena, che in questo libro mancano totalmente ed è difficile farsene una ragione. Spero che questo romanzo un po' fiacco non s...

Die dunkle Königin (2005) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire - A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons (2000)

Finished reading all six books of this epic fantasy saga , "The Song of Ice and Fire", better known as "The Game of Thrones ". Each book is nearly a thousand pages of small print. The book has literally thousands of characters, histories and back stories, detailed word pictures and a fantasy wo...

A Song of Ice and Fire - A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons (2000) by George R.R. Martin

Il regno dei lupi (2002)

Ich hatte von Beginn an Probleme in diesen Teil der Reihe hineinzukommen und bin leider nie ganz angekommen.Es geht teilweise wirklich zäh voran und man wartet und wartet auf ein großes Ereignis. Einige Perspektiven lese ich unheimlich gerne, das sind weiterhin Arya, Dany und Jon, teilweise auch ...

Il regno dei lupi (2002) by George R.R. Martin

Der Thron der Sieben Königreiche (2011)

Nach dem Tode des Königs Robert Baratheon und dessen rechter Hand Lord Eddard Stark von Winterfell zerfallen die Sieben Königreiche zusehends. An allen Ecken lassen sich Männer zu neuen Königen ausrufen und ziehen in den Krieg, um ihre Herrschaft zu sichern.Am Himmel erscheint ein Komet, den viel...

Der Thron der Sieben Königreiche (2011) by George R.R. Martin

Die Herren von Winterfell (2010)

Nachdem ich immer wieder von den Büchern gehört hatte, bin ich in der Bibiliothek ganz zufällig über den ersten Teil gestolpert und dachte mir, warum nicht! Und ich muss sagen, das Buch hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Die Perspektivwechsel machen die Geschichte spannend und abwechslungsreich und es ha...

Die Herren von Winterfell (2010) by George R.R. Martin

Juego de tronos, Libro 1 (2007)

Decidi ler este livro porque sou fã da série de televisão “A Guerra dos Tronos”, que é baseada na colecção de livros “As Crónicas de Gelo e Fogo”, e estava curiosa para saber o que é que os livros me poderiam acrescentar em relação à série. Constato que, após ler apenas um dos livros, a primeira ...

Juego de tronos, Libro 1 (2007) by George R.R. Martin

A Guerra dos Tronos, Volume I de II (2013)

En los Siete Reinos, hacia el final de un verano que duró 9 años, una paz falsa se tambalea mientras las familias nobles luchan por ostentar el Trono de Hierro y gobernar el país. En el Muro, una construcción de 200 metros de altura y 500 kilómetros de longitud, los hombres de la Guardia de la No...

A Guerra dos Tronos, Volume I de II (2013) by George R.R. Martin

Troonide mäng, esimene raamat (2006)

Zitat:„Schwerter hoben sich und stießen herab, all das in tödlicher Stille. Es war ein kaltes Schlachten. Die blassen Klingen durchschnitten die Ketten wie Seide.“(S.16/17)„Schatten taumelten und schwankten. Flackerndes Licht fiel auf die Steine zu ihren Füßen und strich über eine lange Prozessio...

Troonide mäng, esimene raamat (2006) by George R.R. Martin

La regina dei draghi (1998)

Meine Rezi zu: „Das Lied von Eis und Feuer –  Die Saat des goldenen Löwen“ von George R. R. Martin ist der vierte Teil der Highfantasy-Saga.Da es der vierte Teil ist, gibt es jetzt von mir nur meine Meinung kurz und bündig zusammengefasst und keine richtige Rezension.Es geht mit den typischen Int...

La regina dei draghi (1998) by George R.R. Martin

Die Saat des goldenen Löwen (1998)

Auch dieser Band hat mir wieder sehr gut gefallen.Die Schlacht um Königsmund... total spannend und einfach nur zum mitfiebern. Ich hoffe Tyrion erholt sich ganz schnell von seinen Verletzungen. Gerade, weil er so mutig gekämpft hat, während die anderen Ritter schon ans Aufgeben gedacht haben. All...

Die Saat des goldenen Löwen (1998) by George R.R. Martin

Choque de Reyes (1998)

Muito bom, mas agora o difícil é escolher se a 1ª parte é melhor que a 2ª, mas este teve mais acção devido à batalha da água negra. Pelo o contrário da 1ª parte, o factor que favoreceu a 1ª parte foi a introdução de novas personagens com o Davos e o aprofundamento de personagens como o Theon.Ache...

Choque de Reyes (1998) by George R.R. Martin

De stervende aarde: Een eerbetoon aan Jack Vance (2009)

Songs of the Dying Earth Jack Vance has been one of my favorite writers ever since I first read his short story "Nopalgarth." I immediate read my way through everything of his I could find, and when I finally encountered The Dying Earth, my mind was blown. The merger of science and magic and the ...

De stervende aarde: Een eerbetoon aan Jack Vance (2009) by George R.R. Martin

A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle: A Song of Ice and Fire Series: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, and A Feast for Crows (2011)

This is a series I only became interested in after it became a TV series. Ironically, while I love the books, I've never watched more than the first two or three episodes of the show.I have to say I wish the man wrote a bit faster, as he spent over 6 years getting his last one out and the new on...

A Game of Thrones 4-Book Bundle: A Song of Ice and Fire Series: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, and A Feast for Crows (2011) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire (2011)

I've spent the best part of the last year reading these books, and the subsequent three, and then re-reading, with equal enthusiasm. I realise they're not everyone's cup of tea (I thought I'd hate them), but for me, I thought they were all amazing. Now if only the TV series weren't doing everyth...

A Song of Ice and Fire (2011) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire 4-copy bundle (2011)

This is review is for the entire series. Yes, despite all the flaws mentioned by the reviewers, which are probably true, the book is a five star read. It's brilliantly written and compels you to keep reading. So what if the books end abruptly and you have to buy the next one. You get plenty of ba...

A Song of Ice and Fire 4-copy bundle (2011) by George R.R. Martin

SONG OF ICE AND FIRE Set George R. R. Martin: Song of Ice and Fire series 4-Volume set (2000)

Stop on 6/26/2012.I stopped after a certain chapter mid-way through the first book. I'm not gonna say which, as the TV show at the time just happened to play the episode about the chapter. I'm not one to start a book and not finish it. So I know that I'll finish those books. Yet something stops m...

SONG OF ICE AND FIRE Set George R. R. Martin: Song of Ice and Fire series 4-Volume set (2000) by George R.R. Martin

George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones 4Book Bundle:A Song of Ice and Fire Series: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, and A Feast for Crows (Song of Ice & Fire) (2000)

so far book 3 is the best. I laughed a long time after I read book 4. now I'm doing what I tried not to do . I'm reading book 5. the series taking too long but the anticipation got me on the edge of my seat. the only problem I have is the author doesn't write from the point of view of some of his...

George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones 4Book Bundle:A Song of Ice and Fire Series: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, and A Feast for Crows (Song of Ice & Fire) (2000) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire, 5-Book Boxed Set: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons (2000)

I subscribed to HBO when the "Game of Thrones" series began. I viewed the first season, then dropped HBO because I preferred to spend my time with a book rather than TV. The younger members of my family convinced me that I was missing a great story, and so I purchased this Kindle boxed set.I real...

A Song of Ice and Fire, 5-Book Boxed Set: A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast for Crows, A Dance with Dragons (2000) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire series: 5-Book Boxed Set (2000)

This was a very interesting book. The character development was extremely detailed, so that I could almost picture what the people looked like, even without ever having seen the TV series. There were so many characters that it sometimes was a little confusing trying to figure out who was who, a...

A Song of Ice and Fire series: 5-Book Boxed Set (2000) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Fire and Ice, 7 Volumes: A Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings/A Storm of Swords; Steel and Snow/A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold/A Feast for Crows/A Dance with Dragons: Dreams and Dust/A Dance with Dragons: After the Feast (2000)

Spoiler alert: I am going to mention a few of the things that happen in the series. Therefore this review is really meant for people who want to see how others reacted to the series after they already read it. I would rate the first three books with five stars, but the next two were not as ...

A Song of Fire and Ice, 7 Volumes:  A Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings/A Storm of Swords; Steel and Snow/A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold/A Feast for Crows/A Dance with Dragons: Dreams and Dust/A Dance with Dragons: After the Feast (2000) by George R.R. Martin

A Song of Ice and Fire, 6 volumes: A Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings/A Storm of Swords; Steel and Snow/A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold/A Feast for Crows/A Dance with Dragons (2000)

Was re-reading the book... I read it when it came out, the first book I bought with my old Kindle, on a subway train in London. But I digress...When I was reading it for the first time I thought this book was like someone was stretching the material too much. Too much subplots regarding Tyrion an...

A Song of Ice and Fire, 6 volumes: A Game of Thrones/A Clash of Kings/A Storm of Swords; Steel and Snow/A Storm of Swords: Blood and Gold/A Feast for Crows/A Dance with Dragons (2000) by George R.R. Martin

Tormenta de espadas II (2000)

maledetto, crudele e anche assassino. Se l'obiettivo di un libro è quello di scaturire emozioni nel lettore, questa seconda parte del terzo libro delle Cronache ci riesci fin troppo. Ieri sono stato tentato di gettare il libro dalla metropolitana una volta letto il terz'ultimo capitolo. Odio, ecc...

Tormenta de espadas II (2000) by George R.R. Martin

I fiumi della guerra (2000)

Da come si può notare ho finito il libro in 5 giorni. E' forse il più ricco di eventi, il più martellante, il più sorprendente. A farmi dire questo è probabilmente il fatto che è il primo libro della saga che ho letto prima che venga portato sullo schermo nella serie di Game of Thrones, ma l'ho t...

I fiumi della guerra (2000) by George R.R. Martin

O Festim dos Corvos (2005)

Das waren leider eher uninteressante Charaktere, aber sonst trotzdem super! Fazlasıyla durgun bir kitaptı keşke beklenmedik birileri ölseydi de heyecan olsaydı.

O Festim dos Corvos (2005) by George R.R. Martin

Busted Flush (2008)

You know how world leaders nowadays always look so aged by the years in power? This is a book about that. Inside Straight was almost too pat in showing extraordinary people rejecting hollow celebrity to save lives; its sequel is the payoff, reminding us where good intentions lead. Everyone here i...

Busted Flush (2008) by George R.R. Martin

The Princess and The Queen, or, The Blacks and The Greens (2013)

Everybody dies in the most brutal way would be a fitting title for this story. It is a good story, though, a lesson that civil war should be avoided at all costs. Having grown dragons of different glowing colours clash in battle is wonderful for cinematic scenes in the head; I so hope they make a...

The Princess and The Queen, or, The Blacks and The Greens (2013) by George R.R. Martin

Suicide Kings (2010)

When Africa screams it is with the voices of her children. A girl calls to an ace in her dreams. A missing boy, by his silence draws another to search for him. Terrible things are happening deep in the new People's Paradise of Africa. Even while new life is being made possible for those in love ...

Suicide Kings (2010) by George R.R. Martin

A Clash of Kings (2002)

مات ملك ,أنبثق 5 ملوك كل منهم يري إنه الملك الشرعي..وأنقسمت البلادهذا غير ملك قادم بجيشه من أرض الجليد, وملكة قادمة من وراء البحار بالتنانين والنارسبع ملوك في مملكة واحدة .. ماذا تتوقع أن يحدث؟صــــراع الــملــوكاﻷنشودة الثانية في أغنية الجليد والنار ، إنشودة ملحمية لحروب الملوك علي عرشهم..وصراع ...

A Clash of Kings (2002) by George R.R. Martin

A Game of Thrones (2005)

عندما تلعب صراع العروش..فأنت إما تكسب، وإما تموتهذا أساس اﻷغنية ،أغنية الجليد والنار، و أنشودتها اﻷولي 'لعبة العروش' الملحميةحيث يلعب السادة والحكام حول عرش الملك بالمكائد والخيانة والمؤامرات ..ودائما الأبرياء والشرفاء فقط هم أكثر من يعانيوبأنشغال الحكام بلعبتهم تزحف اﻷخطار مهددة عالمهم ، خطر الغ...

A Game of Thrones (2005) by George R.R. Martin

A Feast for Crows (2006)

N.B.: As always, this review does not contain spoilers for this book, but there are significant spoilers for previous books in the series.All right, I am going to swim against the tide here and come out in unabashed admiration for A Feast for Crows. This book has had to bear an incredible burden:...

A Feast for Crows (2006) by George R.R. Martin

A Song for Lya: And Other Stories (2001)

"Una canción para Lya" es el primero de los relatos, y es sin duda el segundo de mi lista de favoritos debido a la clara evolución del argumento, en la cual llegas a comprender todos los puntos de vista presentados, e incluso te planteas cual escogerías."Las brumas se ponen por la mañana" es un p...

A Song for Lya: And Other Stories (2001) by George R.R. Martin

Fevre Dream (2004)

For some time I’ve been a fan of George R.R. Martin’s A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE series. In the last few years, though, when my mind turns to that series, it’s usually either (a) to speculate about potential plot twists or (b) to wish the next book were out already. What I forget is how much I simply...

Fevre Dream (2004) by George R.R. Martin

The Jack Vance Treasury (2007)

A massive (over 230,000 words) gathering of fiction by the master of science-fantasy.

The Jack Vance Treasury (2007) by George R.R. Martin

Dead Man's Hand (1990)

Sin dejar de lado la ficción especulativa y la creación de un universo paralelo en el que abundan los superhéroes y los supervillanos con poderes sorprendentes, este volumen de la extraordinaria serie se aproxima al thriller. La novela comienza un lunes de julio y se prolonga hasta la medianoche ...

Dead Man's Hand (1990) by George R.R. Martin

Juego de tronos (2002)

Tras el largo verano, el invierno se acerca a los Siete Reinos. Lord Eddard Stark, señor de Invernalia, deja sus dominios para unirse a la corte del rey Robert Baratheon el Usurpador, hombre díscolo y otrora guerrero audaz cuyas mayores aficiones son comer, beber y engendrar bastardos. Eddard Sta...

Juego de tronos (2002) by George R.R. Martin

Wild Cards [07] Dead Man's Hand (1990)

"I got a possible line on Sascha this morning from Tripod. It seems he has a girlfriend-" He stopped and stared at the plain white envelope that was lying on the worn carpet just inside the door to the hotel room. "How long has that been there?" he asked Jennifer. She turned, looked at the envelo...

Wild Cards [07] Dead Man's Hand (1990) by George R.R. Martin

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