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F.G. Cottam books

F.G. Cottam
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Read Books by F.G. Cottam


The Memory of Trees (2013)

Billionaire Saul Abercrombie owns a vast tract of land on the Pembrokeshire coast.  His plan is to restore the ancient forest that covered the area before medieval times, and he employs young arboreal expert Tom Curtis to oversee this massively ambitious project.  Saul believes that restoring the...

The Memory of Trees (2013) by F.G. Cottam

The Colony

The wind rose and strengthened on their descent from the heights and the settlement. The cloud lowered and thickened and the rain began to needle into their faces. It scoured off the vast Atlantic, propelled by a chilly Westerly wind. They reached the encampment cold and wet and tired, a bedraggl...

The Colony by F.G. Cottam

Brodmaw Bay

Fatigue had also played a part, but he was not at all in the mood to mitigate his own offence. He had initiated the call. Then he had handled the call very badly on every single count. He had suspected that Lillian was, for whatever reason, having doubts about their affair. But instead of trying ...

Brodmaw Bay by F.G. Cottam

The Magdalena Curse

Adam never neglected any novelty and the Meccano was certainly that. Hunter had never known him play with the stuff before. He picked it up too stunned in the moment to imagine doing otherwise. He carried it in the cradle of his hands back up the stairs. And he opened the door on an empty bed, st...

The Magdalena Curse by F.G. Cottam

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