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Emma Barron books

Emma Barron
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Read Books by Emma Barron


Spun (2012)

She had spent the day pacing the cottage, trying to plan an escape, or trying to work out a ploy to fool Werner and gain her release. She failed miserably at both endeavors. True to his word, Werner had had Roulf bring her more base metals, and now two large jars rested on the table, reminding he...

Spun (2012) by Emma Barron

The Glass Orchid

Her head was pounding and her mouth felt dry and raspy. She opened her eyes, trying to remember where she was and what had happened. Her vision adjusted to the dim light of the room and she scanned it for any clues to her location. Shelves lined the wall from floor to ceiling and they were cramme...

The Glass Orchid by Emma Barron

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