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Emily Larkin books

Emily Larkin
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Read Books by Emily Larkin


The Spinster's Secret

Edward rode to Soddy Morton across the increasingly swamp-like mire of the fallow fields and interviewed two more people on the list of possible Chéries, the beadle’s wife, and a retired schoolmaster. The beadle’s wife was a plump, cheerful woman with no understanding of grammar whatsoever, so he...

The Spinster's Secret by Emily Larkin

Maythorn's Wish (The Fey Quartet Book 1)

She searched for the second stream—dark and hissing—and the black pool where she’d rescued the babe, but found no sign of them. Finally, she spied her basket of herbs upturned alongside a mossy log. “Hello?” She cautiously approached the basket. “Can anyone hear me?” Leaves rustled in the breeze ...

Maythorn's Wish (The Fey Quartet Book 1) by Emily Larkin

The Countess's Groom

Will saddled Dancer and led the mare to the mounting block.     He heard footsteps and turned his head. His heart kicked in his chest. Rose.     She walked across the courtyard, as she had done a hundred times before, dressed in an emerald green riding habi...

The Countess's Groom by Emily Larkin

Ivy's Choice (The Fey Quartet Book 3)

Beside her, very subdued, walked the roebuck. “Mother saved the life of a Faerie child. In return, she was granted wishes, and one of them was that we—Hazel and Larkspur and I—would each receive a Faerie wish on our next birthdays. Your father knows. He swore us to secrecy.” Ivy bit her lip, and ...

Ivy's Choice (The Fey Quartet Book 3) by Emily Larkin

Hazel's Promise (The Fey Quartet Book 2)

Tam asked, once they’d put a mile between themselves and the outlaws. Hazel glanced at him. Her lips pursed, as if she were deciding what to tell him. “The truth, please.” Hazel gave a rueful laugh. “Am I so transparent?” And then she sighed. “Very well, the truth.” Tam waited, while they walked ...

Hazel's Promise (The Fey Quartet Book 2) by Emily Larkin

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