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Elaine White books

Elaine White
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Read Books by Elaine White


A Royal Craving

He and Camryn did not have long to wait before Reagan pulled up in the carriage.     The journey home grew fraught with tension and awkward silence. When the carriage finally stopped, Prosper opened the door and stepped out before the horses had drawn to a halt.   &n...

A Royal Craving by Elaine White


Since his boss thought he was sick any way he would get away with being half an hour later into work. He would need all of his mental energy to fix the mess his volunteer student had made with the photographs. He'd even agreed to ask if he could bring home one of the boxes so they could work on i...

Decadent by Elaine White

Courage in the Kiss

She’d wait to discuss it with Maxx, before deciding whether to wake Micah or wait until morning to break the news.     She retreated to the library, to sit by the cold fire in her favourite chair. With her coffee, a magazine, and a few biscuits, she passed nearly half an hour ...

Courage in the Kiss by Elaine White

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