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Donn Cortez books

Donn Cortez
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Read Books by Donn Cortez


Riptide (2006)ím, že nejsem jediná, kdo propadl kouzlu televizního seriálu Kriminálka Miami. Je to chytré, zábavné a sexy. Přesně to, co v dnešní době prodává a pokud se podíváme na počet odvysílaných dílů, je očividné, že stvořitelé seriálu jsou mistři.Není jednoduc...

Riptide (2006) by Donn Cortez

The Closer (2004)

METHODHe is the Closer -- a remorseless executioner whose modus operandi is terrifying in its brutal simplicity. He captures his prey, tortures them until they confess their sins, and disposes of them as they deserve. His victims have only one thing in common: theyare all serial killers.MOTIVEAcc...

The Closer (2004) by Donn Cortez

Cut and Run (2008)

He wore a simple blue polo shirt and jeans, with white deck shoes. He had even told his lawyer to go home, a sign Wolfe didn’t like at all.Wolfe sat down across from him without saying a word. Instead, he flipped open a file folder and studied what was inside.Dragoslav said nothing, either. Wolfe...

Cut and Run (2008) by Donn Cortez

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