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Davis-Lindsey, Zelda books

Davis-Lindsey, Zelda
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Read Books by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda


Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers)

              I found Kevin and Bobby on the top of the Dukemobile with binoculars looking that direction and waited for them to tell us.                   “It looks like a buffalo, to me.”  Kevin said, as he continued to look.                   “I think yo...

Seeking Sanctuary (Walkers) by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue

I wondered briefly what these fools drove in the winter before Ken brought us to a stop. Trouble babe, might want to slip a gun into that sling.  George tell the others to arm themselves, discreetly.  There appeared to be a dozen riders, a few female but mostly men.  They appeared heavily armed s...

Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning

"If he's in the creek I'll send a letter of apology to the folks downstream." Then we started laughing as we shakily climbed into the mule.                                                          CHAPTER 10        I started to wipe my sweaty palms on my pants then, ow,ow, OW!   flipped my hands ...

Walkers (Book 1): The Beginning by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

walkers the survivors

Joe tells me is my body's way of wanting to replace the blood loss, but my strength was back up so I really didn't really care why.  Yea!  Joe had been in and put a clean bandage on my arm, saying the wounds were healing fine.  I had to start physical therapy so I could get the strength back, the...

walkers the survivors by Davis-Lindsey, Zelda

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