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Darcey Bussell books

Darcey Bussell
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Read Books by Darcey Bussell


Jade and the Surprise Party (2010)

She did a skip kick, a lunge and two quick turns, then she sprung up high, landing in second position. “Yes!” she said, punching the air. “Did you follow what I did? Let’s try it together!” Her partner, Chloe frowned. “Er… can you show me again, Jade?” Jade looked puzzled. She glanced across at h...

Jade and the Surprise Party (2010) by Darcey Bussell

Summer in Enchantia

They were so busy looking at all the diamonds that they didn’t notice Rosa and Nutmeg creeping out from behind the trees. Rosa wrinkled her nose as she edged into the crowd. It wasn’t very pleasant being so close to the pirates. They smelt as if they hadn’t washed for a long time. The mouse pirat...

Summer in Enchantia by Darcey Bussell

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