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Dani Kollin books

Dani Kollin
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Read Books by Dani Kollin


The Unincorporated Woman (2011)

The Unincorporated Woman was a little bit better than the last book, but not really by that much. This one had much better space battles and action and less of the politics of the world. There was more annoying religious stuff in this book and I mostly ended up skimming a lot of the paragraphs th...

The Unincorporated Woman (2011) by Dani Kollin

The Unincorporated Future

And at that realization knew it was time to fulfill the last order of Admiral Omad Hassan. So he made a call one Sunday afternoon and waited patiently in a recliner for his visitor to appear. His head jerked up suddenly at the sound of the doorbell. Not the sound itself, but the fact that the rel...

The Unincorporated Future by Dani Kollin

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