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Connie Archer books

Connie Archer
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Read Books by Connie Archer


A Spoonful of Murder (2012)

I am not sure why I liked this book so much. It surprised me how she would be able to solve the mystery given she was new to town and the first third of book she was either in the resturant or alone in her apartment. I liked the imperfect heroine. I liked her May-December quasy romance. I was mo...

A Spoonful of Murder (2012) by Connie Archer

A Clue in the Stew (A Soup Lover's Mystery)

“The mystery writer? The one who was just murdered at the Drake House?”     “Yes.” Lucky nodded. “I’m positive that’s her. She’s much younger in this photograph, but she still looks pretty much the same. You didn’t see her at the book signing?”     “No. I d...

A Clue in the Stew (A Soup Lover's Mystery) by Connie Archer

Ladle to the Grave (A Soup Lover's Mystery Book 4)

Sophie, still as a mannequin, sat next to her, silent the entire time they waited to see Nate. She knew Nate was hoping, as was she, that the body in the creek was not that of Rick Colgan. Lucky only hoped the technician from Lincoln Falls was ready to meet with Sophie and wouldn’t take a great d...

Ladle to the Grave (A Soup Lover's Mystery Book 4) by Connie Archer

A Roux of Revenge

A horrible racket was pulling her from her dream. Groggily, she reached over to the nightstand and felt for the alarm clock. After two attempts, she was finally able to grasp the smooth, round plastic surface. She pushed the alarm button down but the ringing continued. Lucky groaned. It was the p...

A Roux of Revenge by Connie Archer

A Broth of Betrayal (2013)

“Sage, I’m taking a break. I’ll be back in half an hour.”     She headed up Broadway and cut across the Village Green, entering the front door of the white-steepled church. Cutting across the pews, she headed for the large meeting room and kitchen. She pushed open the swinging...

A Broth of Betrayal (2013) by Connie Archer

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