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Clines, Peter books

Clines, Peter
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Read Books by Clines, Peter


Ex-Purgatory: A Novel

People assumed Los Angeles was always sunny and wonderful, but the past few years had taught him otherwise. There wasn’t any snow, but it got cold enough at night to endanger anyone’s health. Even now, half an hour before sunrise, he caught wisps of his breath. His morning run was almost done. It...

Ex-Purgatory: A Novel by Clines, Peter

The Junkie Quatrain

For Holly, it had only been six weeks. It was morning and her feet hurt, but she was used to it by now. Downtown Los Angeles loomed a few miles to the north, which meant she’d walked almost a hundred and forty miles so far. She was glad she’d dumped her sneakers for a pair of solid hiking boots. ...

The Junkie Quatrain by Clines, Peter

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