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Christine Flynn books

Christine Flynn
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Read Books by Christine Flynn


Once Upon a Christmas Eve (2010)

It didn’t matter if the challenge was to shave seemingly impossible seconds from his fastest run, or close a deal others swore would collapse. It didn’t always look like it to anyone else, especially those he left in his wake, but he wasn’t trying to beat the next guy. He was trying to beat himse...

Once Upon a Christmas Eve (2010) by Christine Flynn

Remember the Dreams

Quite predictably, that crazy combination of reactions vanished with the slow blink of his lashes.     "Need a hand?" he asked blandly, standing up to extend his as she moved to the step beside him.     Keeping her eyes on the step so she wouldn't slip and ...

Remember the Dreams by Christine Flynn

Royal Protocol (2002)

With Colonel Prescott, perhaps, since he was in charge of intelligence. Or with Duke Logan, since he was a member of the Royal Guard. She thought for certain she would be working with Harrison and had found herself looking forward to the possibility with more anticipation than was probably wise—u...

Royal Protocol (2002) by Christine Flynn

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