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Chris Womersley books

Chris Womersley
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Read Books by Chris Womersley


The Low Road (2012)

Could hear their low drone. Animals with fangs made of bamboo and steel, their snouts smeared with matter and blood. Machines that crunched chicken carcasses to pulp. Cancer with teeth and hair in an elderly man’s lower back, crouching like a snickering homunculus. The world was full of terrible ...

The Low Road (2012) by Chris Womersley


Sergeant Quinn Walker leaned against one of the worn rails along its deck. He listened to the endless hiss of the waves and watched the glitter and trick of sunlight upon the water. A cigarette burned down to its soggy nub between his fingers, the tips of which were as yellow as ivory piano keys....

Bereft by Chris Womersley

Cairo (2014)

Max and I arrived around eleven-thirty and parked on the opposite side of the wide street. I clenched the sticky steering wheel to keep my hands from shaking. Proceedings were in full swing; snatches of a Prince song and ragged outbreaks of laughter drifted over the road to where we sat smoking i...

Cairo (2014) by Chris Womersley

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