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Cast, P. C. books

Cast, P. C.
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Read Books by Cast, P. C.


Accidental Magic

How could this have happened?” Colin said, gazing around them while he shook his head in disbelief. “It’s me,” Summer said miserably. “It’s because of me that we’re here.”  His dark eyes rested on her. “How could this possibly be because of you?”  “It’s my magic. Or maybe my nonmagic would be a b...

Accidental Magic by Cast, P. C.

Hidden (House of Night Novels)

Stark spoke low next to my ear as my circle group and I gathered near the entrance to the school lobby. Thanatos had asked us to wait for her to finish speaking with the professors and Warriors, and then she’d join us for the press conference.“I’m sad about Dragon,” I whispered back to him.“I did...

Hidden (House of Night Novels) by Cast, P. C.


I touched Stark’s face as if I could smooth away the dark circles under his eyes. “I thought you slept most of the whole flight.”     Stark kissed my palm and made what looked to be an attempt at his cocky smile, which failed miserably. “I’m cool. It’s just jet lag.”  &nb...

Awakened by Cast, P. C.

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