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Buck Sanders books

Buck Sanders
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Read Books by Buck Sanders


A Clear and Present Danger (2009)

Book 1 of T-Man by Buck Sanders.

A Clear and Present Danger (2009) by Buck Sanders

Star of Egypt (2009)

With the darkness of night to obscure the litter and the other less photogenic aspects of the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. looked just like a picture postcard. The air was heavy with moisture.     Around Ben Slayton, the traffic strobed into abstract blurs of red and yel...

Star of Egypt (2009) by Buck Sanders

Trail of the Twisted Cros (2009)

“Enough sun now for you, honey?”     She said her words with the soft Bahamian lilt as she rubbed lotion on the fleshy shoulders of the large pink man sprawled on his stomach atop a blanket, to protect him from the heat of the sand. He gurgled a response, soothed by the touch ...

Trail of the Twisted Cros (2009) by Buck Sanders

The Starshine Connection (2009)

He began as a cinematographer, not a director.     By not staying in his caste, he offended the sensibilities that dole out meaningless prizes like Academy Awards. When was the last time anyone mentioned Roeg for commercial merit on the basis of his directoral work?”  &nb...

The Starshine Connection (2009) by Buck Sanders

Bayou Brigade (2009)

If terrorism had a hold on some of the Capitol Hill lawmakers, the level of corruption would make Watergate look like a party of mad hatters.     Amused and terrified at the implications of such a threat, Slayton returned to his motel room.     Chucking his...

Bayou Brigade (2009) by Buck Sanders

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