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Bruce R. Cordell books

Bruce R. Cordell
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Read Books by Bruce R. Cordell


Darkvision (2006)

Exile of the Hidden City. Adept of forgotten mysteries. Sorceress of the Celestial Nadir. Haunted by nightmares and driven by desire, Ususi defied the will of her people and ran away, venturing alone into the outside world her people abandoned centuries ago. Now Ususi tracks down the reli...

Darkvision (2006) by Bruce R. Cordell

Stardeep (2007)

The deeper you go, the more dangerous it gets! Explore the Dungeons! All Kiril Duskmourn does is run away--from guilt, from her past, and from her responsibilities. But she can't run any longer. She lost everything stopping the Traitor from loosing his unholy revolution, and now the bindings on h...

Stardeep (2007) by Bruce R. Cordell

Lady of Poison (2004)

Presents the first volume in a new fantasy series chronicling the stand-alone adventures and exploits of the clerics in the Forgotten Realms universe. Original.

Lady of Poison (2004) by Bruce R. Cordell

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