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Bianca Sloane books

Bianca Sloane
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Read Books by Bianca Sloane


Killing Me Softly (Previously published as Live and Let Die) (2014)

On a bitterly cold January evening, Tracy Ellis went for a jog along Chicago’s snowy lakefront and disappeared. Her body was discovered days later, her beautiful face bashed in with a rock. Police determine her brutal death to be a mugging gone wrong and drop the matter into their cold case files...

Killing Me Softly (Previously published as Live and Let Die) (2014) by Bianca Sloane

Live and Let Die

They confirmed that, indeed, it was Carol.     Tracy’s case had been reopened and though the police were taking extra care to keep the story quiet, Sondra knew it was a matter of time before the shit hit the fan and the story was everywhere. Mimi had fainted when Sondra called...

Live and Let Die by Bianca Sloane

Sweet Little Lies

for answer, so she decided it was her mission in life to make Mark’s life as miserable as she could.     She would call his office up to one hundred times a day. At night, she would stand underneath his apartment window screaming for him to marry her so she wouldn’t have a bas...

Sweet Little Lies by Bianca Sloane

Every Breath You Take

Was she thinking about him? Did she look at today’s date and wonder what he was doing?     He sipped his coffee as he stood on the street corner waiting for her. Like clockwork, she emerged from her apartment building at five minutes after eight for her six-block walk to work....

Every Breath You Take by Bianca Sloane

Live and Let Die

Now.”     “Have a seat.”     “Tell her it’s Sondra Ellis and that it’s a matter of life or death.”     “Aren’t they all? Have a seat,” the desk sergeant repeated.     Frustrated, Sondra plopped down into what was prob...

Live and Let Die by Bianca Sloane

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