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Anne Zouroudi books

Anne Zouroudi
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Read Books by Anne Zouroudi


The Taint of Midas. Anne Zouroudi (2011)

The unravelling of the mystery in this not-always gentle tale is almost secondary to the portrayal of life in a Greek coastal village during the heat of summer when the affliction of tourism is at its height. This is what sets the book apart for me.Corruption, fraud and greed are at the heart of ...

The Taint of Midas. Anne Zouroudi (2011) by Anne Zouroudi

The Whispers of Nemesis (2011)

Leda wore the black overcoat she had worn for her father’s funeral, fetched in haste by Maria from one of the old wardrobes; with the sleeves too short and the fit too tight, the coat regressed her to the adolescent she had been on that occasion. The reek of camphor was in the fabric but had not ...

The Whispers of Nemesis (2011) by Anne Zouroudi

The Messenger of Athens: A Novel

Head tilted, it blinked its vacant eyes, and seemed to listen; until from far away, a crowing answer came, and soon a second, and a third. The window of the fat man’s room stood open, and the grave-cold of the night sea had crept in. Shivering, the fat man dressed as quickly as he could, in cloth...

The Messenger of Athens: A Novel by Anne Zouroudi

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