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Anita Cox books

Anita Cox
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Read Books by Anita Cox


Saving Grace

Roman screamed. “I can hear her in my head begging for help.” He paced around wildly, pushing his hands in his hair. They’d missed her at the school and missed her at the diner. It wasn’t until they went back to Tiffany’s room and she told them Grace had just left that they finally had confirmati...

Saving Grace by Anita Cox


Grace opened the door.     She dropped her bag on the floor. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” A large mahogany desk and black leather chair sat in the center of an enormous room, lined with light oak bookshelves. A private bathroom sat to the right of the room and to the left wa...

Resurrection by Anita Cox

No Quarter

It was a typical Tennessee morning, sunny and humid. Rays of light pierced through the canopy of trees, licking the forest floor. She pulled herself up, inhaling as she did so. The smell of the earth, damp forest floor and the lush greenery surrounding her, danced in her nostrils. Blowing the air...

No Quarter by Anita Cox

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