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Alison G. Bailey books

Alison G. Bailey
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Read Books by Alison G. Bailey


Present Perfect (2013)

Disclaimer: DNF (Stopped at 43%).I started reading this book after receiving recommendations from a few friends who have very similar taste to mine, and I was excited because I knew these friends like sassy, snarky heroines like I do. Well...the book was a real meh. And that's an understatement.I...

Present Perfect (2013) by Alison G. Bailey

Past Imperfect (2000)

Okay, here goes, my very first 6 STAR review of 2014! That's right, SIX HUGE STARS! I am so in love with this book, so in love with these characters, so in love with the amazing author Alison G. Bailey. (I just may stalk her on facebook now)This book was amazing, heartfelt and sucked me in from t...

Past Imperfect (2000) by Alison G. Bailey

Presently Perfect (2000)

* ARC PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR FOR AN HONEST REVIEW * If there was ever a story you can read over and over again and learn something new each time than it's Present Perfect. Now with Presently Perfect, this phenomenal author has done something so few can do, retold my beloved story thru the eyes of...

Presently Perfect (2000) by Alison G. Bailey

The Dance

My body jerked at the sound of the red front door opening. The second he saw me, Hart’s eyes lit up and his dimples popped with a sexy grin. Between the eyes, the dimples, the grin, the worn jeans, and the way his long-sleeve black T-shirt stretched across his well-defined chest, Hart took my bre...

The Dance by Alison G. Bailey

Presently Perfect (Perfect #3)

Kelly and I were mirror images as we sat across from each other in the waiting room. We nervously checked our watches, his right knee bouncing as rapidly as my left one, and we jumped whenever the door leading to the exam area opened. They allowed one person to accompany Tweet to the back during ...

Presently Perfect (Perfect #3) by Alison G. Bailey

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