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Read The Best Man's Bridesmaid

The Best Man's Bridesmaid

Online Book

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Breathless Press

The Best Man's Bridesmaid - Plot & Excerpts

True, he knew he was aroused and interested, and why. However, apart from confused, his other emotions were indefinable. How had a shy, quiet, and yes, retiring young lady, who previously had difficulty looking him in the eye, never ventured an opinion of her own, and did not speak unless spoken to become a vibrant, glowing, sensual woman? One who was outgoing, outspoken, and he admitted with an inward grin, darn right outré? As he dismissed his valet and tried without much success to calm his jittery nerves, he wondered how much of it was for show and how much was true knowledge. He admitted to himself that although he had enjoyed their repartee, he wanted her not to know certain things—and he wasn’t really sure just what he meant by ‘things’—but to want to know them. And he was going to be the one to give her that knowledge. It was not good enough to be able to impart everything he desired in a wife and partner. To his mind, Caroline had to thirst for knowledge. He had to be the one to provide the where with all for her to imbibe it.As he poured a glass of brandy, he stood in front of the window and idly watched a few carriages wend their way around the square.

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