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Read Secrets Uncovered (2014)

Secrets Uncovered (2014)

Online Book

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Totally Bound Publishing

Secrets Uncovered (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Now he had to harden his resolve and believe a nice, gentle climax wouldn’t harm the baby. Emma Lynn had been so patient with him when he’d asked her if they could talk, and in the end, she’d looked at him with fond exasperation.
“Do you know how lucky you are, Jeff? How many women in a state of pregnancy horniness, and believe me on a scale of one to ten, that condition is at least twelve, would obey your diktat and not make themselves come? Bloody few. It take seconds to scratch the itch, believe me, I’ve done it. Although my Dom was happy for me to. And got great pleasure in watching.” Emma had laughed. “Don’t look so wide-eyed. Tom and I are happy you’ve kept our preferences to yourself, but now Kath knows, and that we’re deciding to come and play in one of your private rooms, I can at least tell you this. If it was dangerous, do you think for one second I’d have given Kath the go ahead? I even told you gentle penetration is fine. Okay, you’re not happy with that yet, but let the poor woman come.

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