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Read No Place For A Dame (2013)

No Place for a Dame (2013)

Online Book

3.36 of 5 Votes: 2
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1477808582 (ISBN13: 9781477808580)
Montlake Romance

No Place For A Dame (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

I don't understand how there could be ANY negative reviews for this book. I admit, I didn't know this was part of a series and read it as a stand alone....but I loved it. I thought that Giles and Avery were incredibly well developed characters and the other character's issues (Neville w/ his mom, Will w/ his abusive dad) just added to an interesting story. I could feel the angst of Giles as he tried to stay true to what his time and social standing expected of him, yet also HAD to listen to his heart because he had lost that to a young woman years ago. I also loved the fact that this was based on a true story and that many of the characters paralleled those in history. This is a story that had beautiful flow, well developed characters that held my interest until the very end without shoving it down my throat like cheap special effects in a movie. The writing style of Christine Brockway is beautiful and it felt so true to the era which it was based. I adored Avery with her spunky personality and her genius mind uncommon for that time. Or at least overlooked at that time. One of the few period piece books where I could picture myself living among the beauty of Killarney with a man whose integrity is displayed in subtle actions again and again. I will definitely look into the stories preceding this one with the hopes of a story as beautiful, quirky and fun as this. I found this book tone a light entertaining read constructed in a traditional romance plot approach.WHAT I LIKED------------* Both the male and female lead were fun and likable* The male lead finds more than just the female lead's body desirable.* The dialogue is smart and fun* The sex was well-written, and the connection between the characters felt real.WHAT I DIDN'T LIKE-----------------* The story was a little to "traditional romance" for my taste -- woman pretends to be a man, woman finds herself in danger and is rescued by the man, woman is a virgin while man is a rake, the man is only publicly a rake but really has a heart of gold. It's all well-told, but I like my pure romances to buck some stereotypes.I recommend this for folks who like traditional romances and want some fast-reading entertainment.

What do You think about No Place For A Dame (2013)?

Cute... fluffy... if you want a romance novel this one is worth reading.

DNF. I just can't do chicks-in-pants books. I really must quit trying.

Loved! Avery rocks. I would love to see sequels including her.

Amazon Prime early release program - this made me so happy.

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