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Read Miss Simpkins' School: Miranda (2014)

Miss Simpkins' School: Miranda (2014)

Online Book

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Breathless Press

Miss Simpkins' School: Miranda (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Molly Simpkins looked up at the tall and more than handsome man, who lounged in a most elegant manner against her mantle. “And seriously, Ash, one day you’ll burn your backside leaning over the fire in that way. What would Adriana say about that?”
Ashley, the Earl of Addersley, straightened up, moved all of six inches away from the glowing coals, and laughed. “That it served me right, and as well it wasn’t my bollocks, I would imagine. As for why? Because Adriana demands it. There will be no dissembling, Molly. I am commanded not to return without you. You will stay for at least a sennight and you will be godmother. Towse has arranged for your maid to pack your clothes, and she has already departed to Addersley. We’ll leave as soon as you change into the pretty garnet-colored traveling dress. And furthermore,”—he held his hand up to stop her speaking—”if my lady cares not that we are seen together, and I am honored by both her decision, and by having you as such a great friend to us both, why should you worry?”

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