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Read A Stockingful Of Joy (1997)

A Stockingful of Joy (1997)

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0451408004 (ISBN13: 9780451408006)

A Stockingful Of Joy (1997) - Plot & Excerpts

This is an anthology featuring the stories as follows:The Snow Rose by Susan King (5 stars)This was an incredibly sweet story and I absolutely loved it. I loved the romance between Catriona MacDonald and Kenneth Fraser who were from families that had feuded for a long time. In fact Catriona's father was killed by a Fraser before she was born and Kenneth's was killed by a MacDonald. Catriona's mother saved the leader of the Fraser clan while still in childbed, he gave her daughter a brooch, she named the Snow Rose, with a promise of protection and said if she ever needed him to come for him. Read more to find out.The Best Husband Money Can Buy by Mary Jo Putney (5 stars)Emma (a governess) inherited a fortune when she prayed for a man she did not know who had died. He didn't have anyone and said that the person who prayed for him and signed his card saying they had prayed would win his fortune. She quit her job as governess and decided she would marry a man she had loved since she was a child. He needed money to save his home and she would provide the money for him to save it and he would marry her. I really enjoyed this story!A Light in the Window by Justine Dare (5 stars)This is a heartwarming tale of love and forgiveness that I found very endearing. I loved how Morgan interacted with Faith and Zach (her orphaned nephew). I loved how he helped them establish a relationship with each other and how she provided the love and forgiveness he had never had in his own life.Boxing Day by Jill Barnett (5 stars)This was a great romantic tale of a retired boxer and his landlady - they fight like crazy but they fall in love. She has fears of being older - will she move past them and latch on to the love of a lifetime or will she let them tear them apart? Read to find out.

I grabbed this one with great expectations because it contained stories by two of my favorite authors and two other authors that I hadn't read but have heard good things about. And the rare thing happened, all of my expectations were met and I discovered a new author (King) whose backlist I'm probably going to track down.The King story ["Snow Rose"] set in the Scottish Highlands is probably my favorite. I found it tender, sensual and gripping and all of the little historical details really placed me in the time period.The Barnett story ["Boxing Day" - set in Victorian New York] was my second favorite, it was funny and witty, light and really hit the spot, the hero was very lovable and the heroine was an *older* woman.The Putney story ["The Best Husband Money Can Buy" - set in Regency England] was also great about a woman who buys herself a hubby but I have to admit I was a little bothered by the fact that they were cousins (I know this was acceptable during that time but it still makes me squirm).The Dare story ["A Light in the Window" - set in late 1800s Wyoming] was good but probably my least favorite because I felt it was too short and that she wasn't given enough space to fully develop her characters. I highly recommend this anthology for those who like 'em.

What do You think about A Stockingful Of Joy (1997)?

Novellas seem to be the theme for what I read in June. This book is another volume of four novellas, this time without the fantasy aspect and with more of the romance. All four stories were set in different historical times and places but all occurred in and around Christmas time. I really enjoyed reading the book--a very light, entertaining way to spend a day (or several afternoons, rather). The stories were just...lovely...and made me feel happy and peaceful. I found it in a used book store in Goldendale, WA. Excellent purchase!

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