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Ravyn Wilde books

Ravyn Wilde
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Read Books by Ravyn Wilde


Let Them Eat Cake

When Brian knocked on her office door right before 8:30, he hollered through to tell them the hunter had arrived. Several people were waiting for them in a small room off the auditorium. By this time, the only remnant of their passion was a small love bite on the side of Justin’s neck. When Maria...

Let Them Eat Cake by Ravyn Wilde

By the Book (2012)

It was beautiful here and quiet. “Why aren’t there people on this beach?” she asked. She didn’t want a crowd to spoil her view but you would think there would be somebody enjoying the pristine salt-and-pepper sand. She knew from previous trips to Hawaii that the lighter grains came from crushed c...

By the Book (2012) by Ravyn Wilde

Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1) (2016)

He woke as he changed. Every nerve ending screamed at him to posses her now. He glanced down at his naked body as he moved gracefully to his feet. He was certainly ready. The wolf saw things in black and white with strangely distorted vision. He knew his mate was tall, with short, wild hair that ...

Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1) (2016) by Ravyn Wilde

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