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Heather Gudenkauf books

Heather Gudenkauf
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Read Books by Heather Gudenkauf


The Weight of Silence (2009)

2 girls, Calli and Petra in the woods.Calli, mute since drunk dad yelled at her. (Supposedly a big mystery till the end...but not).Diff narrators, each chapter.Antonia- mom who never should've married Griff in the first place.Ben- 12 y/o older broMartin-Petra's fatherLouis-Dep. Sheriff (shoulda m...

The Weight of Silence (2009) by Heather Gudenkauf

Weight of Silence

I am not going to let her out of my sight again. I have mixed feelings leaving Ben behind, but I know that Louis will bring him to me safely. Poor Ben, he is always the one left to fend for himself, it seems. I feel a flash of anger at Griff for always leaving me in this position, the one to pare...

Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf

These Things Hidden

I’ve never had a real job—I never had time when I was in high school. Oh, we practiced interviews in Cravenville and Olene did a mock interview with me last night. But I’m still sick with worry. I’m not sure why the owner of the bookstore would want to hire a convict, but she’s giving me a chance...

These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf

One Breath Away

“Hey, boys,” Will said by way of greeting. The two brothers whirled around.     “Mornin’, Will,” Neal said, tipping his chin to the older man. “Something else, what’s going on in there,” he added, and yanked his neck toward the school. Neal and his brother Ned were two years a...

One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf

Missing Pieces

Jack was considered a top suspect in the death of his mother? Why hadn’t he told her? Of course he would have some kind of excuse as to why he hadn’t mentioned it: the person who finds the body is always the first suspect, law enforcement always looks at the family first, the deputy didn’t like m...

Missing Pieces by Heather Gudenkauf

Little Mercies

Nickerson steps into the waiting area. She reaches out to shake Adam’s hand and introduces herself. “We have Avery stabilized and her core temperature is down to one hundred and two degrees. We will have to watch her very carefully. More seizures are a real possibility. We are moving her to the p...

Little Mercies by Heather Gudenkauf

Little Lies (2014)

But the calls I receive aren’t to put out a blaze, perform an emergency C-section or administer last rites to the dying. When my phone rings at 2:00 a.m., I know it’s regarding one of my children. Not my biological children, but those that I come to know in my work as a social worker with the Ced...

Little Lies (2014) by Heather Gudenkauf

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